Mr. Simon Aranonu

Non-Executive Director

Simon Aranonu served as Executive Director Bank of Industry Ltd until August 2024 when he retired .While in Bank of Industry, he was in charge of Large Enterprises Directorate.

With over 34 years of banking and financial consulting experience, Mr. Aranonu has garnered diverse experience in various aspects of banking. Simon started banking in Continental Merchant bank (an affiliate of Chase Manhattan Bank ) in 1987. He has worked in various Nigerian banks and served as Executive Director in erstwhile Global Bank and Intercontinental bank ( now part of Access Bank ).

He is a graduate of Advanced Management Program of Stanford University California. He has attended Executive Management programs at Harvard Business School, Wharton Business School, Columbia Business School and Kellogg Business school, all in the United States. Pastor Aranonu has also been trained in University of Chicago, USA and Cranfield University in the United Kingdom.

He was selected and trained under USAID sponsored Africa’s Best and Brightest Bankers program in spring of 2000 in the United States. Simon has acquired banking skills by training in Citibank Long Island City , New York, Chase Manhattan Bank ,New York as well as Mellon Bank, Philadelphia.

Simon whose core competence is credit risk and management, is also licensed by IFC ( an arm of World Bank ) to train Company Directors on Corporate Governance. Simon has written three books: Solution Capsules, Financial Freedom and Engaging Encounters.

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