We are revolutionizing the digital advertising landscape. With our cutting-edge advertising solutions, we empower brands and agencies to dominate the digital sphere like never before. From expanding your reach to maximizing impact, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to elevate your brand to new heights. 

MTNN Mobile Advertising service is designed to take advantage of the widespread use of Mobile phones to help brands reach their target customers more efficiently and effectively than traditional advertising.  

With a profiled subscriber base of 77.7 Million, MTNN is able to connect brands with their desired audience. 


Mobile Ads Packages

This SMS service allows brands promote, sell or create awareness for their products and services to customers in specific locations. With the Targeted SMS, MTNN profiles the target customers in specific locations for a more effective campaign and improved ROI.

This profiling can be done using various targeting parameters such as Gender, Age, Location, APRU, Device type, OS type & Interests. 

RCS enables a richer conversational experience between brands and customers. RCS messaging can deploy images, videos, carousels, suggested actions and replies.

All of these are delivered to customers from a verified sender identity with a trust mark, improving trust and convenience. RCS leverages Google’s messaging app, and offers end-to-end encryption for advanced security.

This display inventory utilizes MTN’s pool of customers who run out of data. When they do run out of data, the captive portal appears in form of a zero-rated pop up web page reminding users to top up their data and recommend recharge channels.

Also, on this zero-rated pop-up page, display advertisement of different sizes can be shown to them. Organizations can also buy bulk data to use a incentive for customers who click or view the ads.

MTNPlay is a website owned my MTNN, which consolidates all digital products owned by or partnered with MTN. These Ads are in Display form and are customizable.

MyMTN App is a one stop application where MTN subscribers can manage their accounts. These Ad inventories are in form of display and will be seen or sent to MTN Subscribers who use the App.

This is an audio form of Ad. Corporate organizations attach their audio ads to CUG lines with MTN. This way, users who dial any of the numbers on the Closed User Group can listen to the brand’s audio ad.

Mobile Survey is a customer centric, interactive soluion designed for Businesses and Enterprises to periodically send out customized and personalized surveys via interactive SMS to their ustomers to provide real-time feedback on how they experienced a product or service.

These are notifications received at the end of calls in form of display messaging. EOCN has a maximum of 60 characters available for utilization.

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