We must conduct all our affairs with uncompromising honesty, integrity, diligence, and professionalism. This is our guiding principle.

The MTN Nigeria Code of Ethics (the “Code”) codifies of our core values, provides moral guidelines and essential principles for all staff and stakeholders to understand and follow. It applies to all employees and partners – everyone at every level that works for or does business with MTN. The Code governs all decision-making processes that affect the business.

While no written code can provide rules that cover every situation or ethical dilemma, ours serves as a guide for each of us. It reinforces our commitment to do the right thing, empowering us to take action and make the right decisions.

For occasions not explicitly covered by the Code, we abide by the golden rule – ‘Do unto others as you would have them do to you.’

Where the right course of action is not clear, we advise that guidance is sought from a senior employee or the Compliance & Ethics Helpline. To report concerns about unethical conduct, kindly use any of the following dedicated whistleblowing channels, all communication is confidential:

Compliance with law and regulationsCompliance with law and regulations

We do business in full compliance with the laws of Nigeria and relevant international laws.

Policy positionsPolicy positions

We have set out a number of ethical policies to enhance business governance and guide business conduct. Download our policy positions here

Conflicts of interestConflicts of interest

We take our responsibilities and obligations to the company seriously, and we have processes in place to help us identify and manage any potential conflicts of interest.

Corporate governanceCorporate governance

Effective and transparent corporate governance keeps our business in line with global best practice and helps us maintain and conserve our physical, financial and intellectual resources while maximizing shareholders returns.

We also have controls in place, through institutions and dedicated management positions, to help us assess and manage risks to the business and to our people.

Customer serviceCustomer service

We are fiercely committed to delivering consistently high-quality service to our customers. We owe them service that is fair, courteous and professional; and superior products that meet or exceed their expectations.

We respect every customer’s right to privacy. They entrust us with their personal information, and it is our duty to protect it.

Vendors and suppliersVendors and suppliers

We select our vendors and suppliers through a transparent process based on objective criteria and evidence. Our vendors and suppliers must uphold our ethical principles and comply with local and international laws.


We support and respect the human rights of our employees in our workplace. Therefore, we;

  • Provide a healthy, safe and non-threatening workplace to each and every employee
  • Treat all people with respect and dignity, regardless of their position in the company
  • Demonstrate zero-tolerance for harassment and intimidation of any kind
  • Guarantee the right to freedom of association and
  • Respect our employees’ privacy and the confidentiality of their information

Our business communications are honest, accurate and timely. We never comment unfavourably on our competitors’ products, management or operations. Commitment to communities, society and the environment

We are dedicated to brightening the lives of our people and contributing to the socioeconomic development of all communities in Nigeria. We support democratic institutions, engage NGOs and policy groups, and find ways to uplift local communities through our Foundation. We are compliant with Nigerian environmental laws and hold ourselves accountable to the UN Global Compact on human rights, labour standards, environmental responsibility and anti-corruption.

Employee conductEmployee conduct

At all times, we are professional and competent, we respect the traditions and culture of all people, and we refrain from behaviour that is offensive, intimidating, malicious or discriminatory.

Responsibilities for ethicsResponsibilities for ethics

We encourage our stakeholders to take personal responsibility for upholding the MTNN Code of Ethics, but we also have formal structures in place to assist with compliance. Read more

Whistleblowing Whistleblowing

MTN Nigeria (MTNN) is committed to a culture of zero‑tolerance toward fraud, bribery, corruption, misappropriation and illegal activity throughout the organisation. MTNN recognises the importance of having procedures and a facility in place whereby employees and other stakeholders can safely report instances of fraud, misconduct, illegal activities or other irregularities.

Whistleblowing has the potential to be seen as an adverse activity as individuals who speak up against possible fraud, misconduct or any illegal activity may be branded as trouble-makers. MTNN sees whistleblowing differently, regarding it as a positive practice that assists the organisation to detect incidents of fraud, misconduct, and illegal activity early. It enables MTNN to limit or prevent financial and reputational damage to the company, provides MTNN the opportunity to prevent future occurrences and take corrective measures against individuals who performed illegal acts.

Through speedy identification, investigation, resolution and mitigation of fraud incidents, MTNN can ensure that our profitability and revenue streams are safeguarded to ensure that the company and employees alike prosper.

Through relevant policy we encourage employees to report any incidents of fraud, misconduct, bribery, corruption, misappropriation or illegality against MTNN by any internal or external party. This is done through the utilisation of available reporting procedures and facilities. Further, employees or individuals who have reported such incidents to MTNN in good faith and without malicious intent may do so without fear of reprisal.

MTNN undertakes to protect employees against any operational detriment or reprisals resulting from whistleblowing in the workplace.

To report concerns about unethical conduct and fraudulent activities, kindly use any of the following dedicated whistleblowing channels, all communication is confidential:

Email: mtntoa@deloitte.com.ng
Phone: 0800-862862862 (0800-TOATOATOA)
Website: http://tip-offs.deloitte.com.ng