We must conduct all our affairs with uncompromising honesty, integrity, diligence, and professionalism. This is our guiding principle.
The MTN Nigeria Code of Ethics (the “Code”) codifies of our core values, provides moral guidelines and essential principles for all staff and stakeholders to understand and follow. It applies to all employees and partners – everyone at every level that works for or does business with MTN. The Code governs all decision-making processes that affect the business.
While no written code can provide rules that cover every situation or ethical dilemma, ours serves as a guide for each of us. It reinforces our commitment to do the right thing, empowering us to take action and make the right decisions.
For occasions not explicitly covered by the Code, we abide by the golden rule – ‘Do unto others as you would have them do to you.’
Where the right course of action is not clear, we advise that guidance is sought from a senior employee or the Compliance & Ethics Helpline. To report concerns about unethical conduct, kindly use any of the following dedicated whistleblowing channels, all communication is confidential: