This annual initiative awards scholarships to eligible musically talented youth to study at the prestigious Musical Society of Nigeria School of Music (MUSON) for two years. Scholars who successfully complete the Diploma programme, are awarded an internationally recognized diploma in music.

To further support the scholars in 2022, the MTN Foundation built a fully equipped digital studio at the School of Music. The music studio was equipped with various equipment and devices, including 30 HP ProBook laptops; a professional 4.5 octaves custom series marimba; a Malltech 4.0 octaves Bob Becker Xylophone; a Viscount Unico 400 Organ – A 3 manual organ with 32 notes pedalboard, 56 Register Tabs plus 7 Orchestral Registers; 4 units of Stentor “Conservatoire” violins; 3 units of Armstrong USA Trumpets; and 3 units of Essex EUP-116 Upright Pianos.

Since 2006, the Foundation has fully funded and helped to develop the careers of 484 music scholars through the MTNF MUSON scholarship awards.

SDG Alignment:

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goal.